Para su campaña de nombre Electric Holiday, Barney´s optó por hacer un cortometraje en donde muestra el sueño de Minnie Mouse, quien fascinada con el mundo de la moda (honestamente quién no) se imagina portando un vestido de la firma Lanvin en pasarela, al igual que otros personajes de Disney como son Daisy, Donald, Mickey, Goofey, entre otros.
No sólo aparecen los personajes más queridos de Disney, sino que además hacen presencia reconocidas figuras del mundo fashion como son Anna Dello Russo, Nahomi Campbell, Sarah Jessica Parker, Franca Sozanni, y otros más.
Les dejo el corto para que vean por ustedes mismos el resultado de esto que pareciera ser la nueva tendencia de las tiendas departamentales. Enjoy!
It seems that most recognized department stores around the world will fight for the attention of Disney, because not only Harrods decided to use the princesses for a campaign (to see the campaign, click here), but this time the department store Barney 's New York was added to the list.
For their campaign named Electric Holiday, Barney's chose to make a short film where there is shown Minnie Mouse´s dream, who fascinated with the fashion world (honestly who does not) imagines herself wearing a dress from Lanvin signature on the catwalk, as other Disney characters such as Daisy, Donald, Mickey, Goofey, among others.
Not only do the most beloved Disney characters appear, but also fashion world renowned figures such as Anna Dello Russo, Nahomi Campbell, Sarah Jessica Parker, Franca Sozanni, and more.
Here is the short to see for yourselves the result of this which appears to be the new trend of the department stores. Enjoy!